Select from the following three membership types below.
Network Starter (1 Seat for 6 Luncheons) - This option is great for an individual contributor to the startup community. Access some of the great benefits of membership with 1 seat for 6 luncheons (annually from date of sign-up).
Network Builder (1 Seat for 12 Luncheons) - Perfect for anyone looking to really build their network in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Access all the great benefits of membership with 1 seat for 12 luncheons (annually from date of sign-up).
Network Leader (2 Flex Seats for 12 Luncheons) - This is the ideal package for those looking to champion change and make an impact in the startup community. Enjoy all of the value of membership plus the flexibility with who attends, ensuring you always have representation at the events (12 luncheons annually from date of sign-up).
Check out more details on the benefits that come with each package below. See full terms here.
If you have any questions, please contact us at ventureconnectors@amplifystartups.com.